Monday, 12 November 2012

The state of the Nation

You know this Govt is in trouble when Nadine Dorries decides the rats in the Australian jungle are preferable to her Tory and Lib Dem colleagues in the Westminster jungle.

Martin Beck of Capital Economics points out that GDP in the UK is now about 14% below what it would have been had the long run trend rate of growth had continued after the financial crisis.
Even if assuming the crisis has permanently damaged some capacity the economy is still operating at 6% below potential because of premature ‘ Fiscal consolidation’
At this halfway point of this Parliament a good time for us to take stock of what this Tory-led Government has actually achieved so far.

In the run up to the last election  Cameron promised change. But what he’s delivered is very different from what he promised – in fact, things have got worse, not better. Long term Unemployment is higher now than it was when the Coalition took office.

Instead of the strong growth Osborne said his plan would deliver, we’ve just come out of a double dip recession and we’re about to plunge into a third rescession.
Families and pensioners are paying more, but 8,000 millionaires are getting a tax cut worth at least £40,000 a year. Billions are being wasted on a massive top-down NHS reorganisation while over 6,000 nurses have been cut.

 Look at their shambles and chaos
Taxgate, Pastygate, Ticketgate, Gategate, Caravangate and now Northerngate.
and making up policy on the back of a fag packet, they haven’t even been able to govern competently.

If David Cameron and Nick Clegg had been honest about what they were going to deliver, the British people wouldn’t have voted for it.
The failure of the coalition to deliver the growth they said they would means families all over the country are worse off, long term unemployment is rising
Coalition said cutting borrowing was a number one priority, but borrowing is rising not falling.

 In a damning indictment of the Tory-led Government’s economic strategy, Lord Heseltine has called on the Government to develop a proper plan for jobs and growth claiming the message he was hearing is that “the UK does not have a strategy for growth and wealth creation”. 
Instead of more complacency from Cameron, Clegg and Osborne we need a proper growth plan to make everyone  better off and strengthen and sustain economic recovery.
Less Posh, Less Arrogant, More competent Goverment

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