The Queens speech was noticeably short on detail,
substance or any vision rather like the current government, nothing to address
fairness, equality or raising people out of poverty.
The test for this Queens speech was to show that it could
make a difference to the lives of ordinary people.
One question of this Queens speech is does it offer a new
direction or is a repeat of the tired old broken Tory rhetoric, the rhetoric of
a right wing, divisive, uncaring party propped up by a Liberal party rejected
in May by the electorate.
Many people in the Country feel that Britain doesn’t work
for them and hasn’t done so for a long time.
They don’t feel that their hard work is rewarded.
They feel that all the effort and hard work they put in
is not rewarded in a fair share of the wealth of this country.
They worry about the future for their children and if
they will have a better life than their parents.
The Governor of the Bank of England spoke recently to say
inequality was now one of the biggest challenges in our country.
The electorate will judge us on our response to this.
I think most people believe that if you work hard you
should be able to make ends meet financially.
If you do the right thing you will be rewarded.
But many people know that the reality of life in the UK
today is that hard work is not rewarded.
During the recent elections I spoke to a number of people
who told me that despite having a job they didn’t know from week to week if
they would have any income as they are on zero hours contracts.
One in five people in work are now low paid.
The majority of people in poverty are in work not out of
Labour would pledge to raise the minimum wage closer to
average earnings.
Labour will ensure that if you are working regular hours,
for month after month you will be entitled to a regular contract not a zero
hours contract.
The Bank of England has also warned that the failure to
build homes ins their biggest worry.
We are currently building half the homes we need.
There is a problem of developers getting planning
permission, sitting on land and waiting for it to accumulate in value.
Nationally there are land banks with planning permission
for over half a million homes.
Labour would give Councils the power to force developers
to use the land or lose it.
Would give Councils the right to grow where they need
more land for housing.
Would commit to getting 200 000 homes built a year.
This is what in the 1950’s a One Nation Prime Minister
There is a problem with the banks not serving the real
Businesses desperate to expand to invest, to grow can’
get the capital they need.
The current coalition has utterly failed to stand up to
their banker friends.
Labour would break up the large banks so we tackle our
uncompetitive banking systems.
We would create regional banks that properly serve small
Devolve economic powers to the major Cities, power over
skills, economic development and transport.
There is another area where the Coalition are telling
people there is nothing to be done.
Gas and electric bills
It’s eight months since Labour started the campaign for a
freeze on peoples energy bills.
Two weeks ago figures released showed Companies have
doubled their profit margins.
The companies can afford this freeze, the people need it,
Labour would deliver it.
Another area of concern people raised with we in May is
the issue of immigration.
I believe immigration has been good for our country.
People coming to the UK bring much needed skills, they
pay tax, and they pay national insurance they contribute greatly to the life of
this country.
Some people think we cut cur ourselves off from the rest
of the world and withdraw from the EU.
They are wrong.
We have always done better when we engage with the rest
of the world.
Labour believes it is not in our national interest to
walk away from a huge single market on our door step to do so would be
anti-investment, anti-jobs, anti-business.
The county has a choice next year, more of the same or a
Labour Government that would.
Have a make work pay bill to reward hard work
A banking bill to support small businesses
A community bill to devolve power
A consumer bill to freeze energy bills
A housing bill to tackle the housing crisis
A NHS bill to stop it’s privatisation
To do all this we need a new Government a Labour
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