ConDems cut funds to South Yorkshire
According to the EU Cohesion policy one of the main
objectives of funding is to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth,
and reward performance.
The cuts in EU funding imposed on this area by the ConDems
while giving more money to the more prosperous areas of the country reek of
discrimination against the North of England. One of the main polices in the EU
Cohesion policy 2014 – 2020 is to support regions like South Yorkshire, are the
Government proposing to go head to head with the EU? I suppose given their
history in this area I suppose they are.
The cohesion policy is quite clear that regions with a low
GDP must be a priority for funding. Scotland has a higher GDP than South
Yorkshire, Northern Ireland has a higher GDP than South Yorkshire yet the
Government is proposing to increase funding to these areas while cutting
funding to South Yorkshire. It may well be that Cameron thinks Clegg will
follow the advice of the Pope and withdraw before the event and leave the
coalition. Leaving Cameron with the option of buying the votes of Northern
Irish MP’s to prop up is minority administration. Let me tell him beware of the
lessons of history when depending on the votes of Unionist MP’s.
According to the EU the European Regional Development Fund
is to support and assist research and development and innovation. Improving
access to and quality of information and communication technologies. Business support
for SME’s, telecommunications, energy and transport infrastructure. Health education
and social infrastructure and sustainable urban development.
Which of these does the Government think we can do without in
South Yorkshire?
The cohesion policy document is clear that funds should be
directed to regions working towards a low carbon economy, exactly what this
Council is doing.
Danny Alexander has managed to convince his Tory masters
that his fellow Scots in the Highlands and Islands deserve funding worth six
times more per head than the funding in South Yorkshire. Was Clegg out of the
room when this was agreed? Why is he not standing up for the people of
Last week Hallam Labour Party selected their candidate
Oliver Coppard to be the next MP for Hallam. A local person who will stand up for Sheffield
and the people of Sheffield.
Once again a Tory PM is running scared of his backbenchers
by allowing Tory Eurosceptic MP’s to dictate policy.
Lord Howe said this week ‘it’s a tragic expression of our
shrinking influence and the humbling of our ambitions to remain a serious
political player’
It was Disraeli who said that Nations should be glorious.
The UK can be but it’s time this Government realised the map is no longer
coloured pink and that they live on a small island off the coast of Europe.
It’s time we had a Government that keeps us at the heart of
Europe and stands up and fights for the rights of all the people in the UK.
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