Poverty in Sheffield
In the 1830's Lord Shaftesbury sought to end child labour he refused to accept that the prosperity of Britain depended on the the labour and pain of it's poorest children. He was probably the last compassionate Tory.The last Labour Government lifted 1 million children out of poverty , the cuts imposed by this Tory led and LIbDem supported Government will plunge 1 million children into poverty by 2020.
By 2015 the poorest one fith of people in this country will have lost up to £2000 in income per year.
The poorest with you children, 3 or more children, poor health, in poor housing or with disabiltiy will suffer greater cuts.
Citizens Advice tell me a resident of Walkley on mimimum wage, married with 2 children aged 6 and 3 living in and now defined as under occupying a 3 bedroomed house by 2015 he will lose £30 to £35 per week even with the tax changes trumpheted by the Deputy PM.
If the younger child is disabled the family lose £40 per week, if on universal credit £50 if unemployed £65 per week.
This Government is expecting the poorest people to pay.
This is the LibDems poll tax, this will be another nail in the coffin of worn out discredited LibDems in Government.
The people of Sheffield know who is taking money out of their pockets. They understand the Deptury PM Nick Clegg is not standing up for Sheffield, he is pickpockting the pockets of the poorest people and handing that money to millionaires in the form of tax cuts.
Time for change, time for the LibDems to stand up to Cameron and his cronies and leave the Government.
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