Saturday, 2 March 2013

Fair Deal for Norhern CIties

I’d like to agree with Grant Chaps the Chairman of the Tory Party who said this morning that Governing parties don’t win By Elections, well I think that clearly shows what the Tories really think of the LibDems. In power but not in Government.

And I’d like to agree with Nick who in 2010 told Henry Porter of Guardian Online people were right to continue to be suspicious of central diktat. "You shouldn't trust any government. You should not trust government – full stop. The natural inclination of government is to hoard power and information; to accrue power to itself in the name of the public good."

Well how prophetic those words have proved to be about the current Govt.

It's only now becoming clear that this Tory Government propped up by power blinded Liberals don't believe in social responsibility, don't believe in the NHS don't believe in local democracy.
The Tories’ failure to deliver the growth they said they would deliver means families are worse off, long term unemployment is rising and borrowing is going up.
Councils in the North of the Country are having to pay the price of ConDem complacency Instead of more complacency from David Cameron and George Osborne Nick Clegg we need a proper growth plan to make families better off and strengthen and sustain economic recovery.

The government must also closely examine its current strategy for reducing poverty and consider what more it could do to ensure millions of children’s lives are not blighted by the corrosive impact that poverty has on their daily existence.’’ 22% of children in Sheffield are living in poverty, and in Central Ward 29%

Cameron has direct responsibility for what is happening to living standards and to the children in this city.

After 30 years of experimenting with trickledown economics it’s time for the squeezed middle not time for ever more generous benefits for the wealthy.

We haven’t got growth and this is feeding through into wages that are falling behind prices, it’s a massive issue for people, it’s the number one issue for people that I talk to in Walkley.

We have got to get to the root of this, it’s about productivity and skills, vocational education for the bottom 50%, and the creation of high skilled highly paid jobs.

Do we believe in the ConDem model of an economy succeeding by having a few rich people at the top or do you create an economy on the basis of the many?

The answer to growth is not Osbornes let a little wealth trickle down, as all available evidence shows what happens is that wealth is sucked up. We need to grow the economy from the middle out, we need a recovery by the many, not just a few at the top. A recovery made by building not squeezing the middle.
The current Government seem to favour squeezing the middle more and, a race to the bottom and a little trickle from the top.

As Henry Ford said I need to pay my workers enough so that they can buy the cars they make, in the post war Britain built it’s way out of recession, but people had the money to buy and rent the homes. In America today Obama is pouring billions of dollars into huge civic projects that are cutting unemployment and growing the economy.

Fairness and social justice is at the heart of this Council’s values, we believe that everyone should be treated fairly and with respect & dignity but recognise that some people and communities need extra help or support, particularly when they face multiple layers of deprivation.

Tackling inequality is crucial to increasing fairness and social cohesion, improving wellbeing, reducing health problems and helping people to have independence and control over their lives. It underpins all that we do.

We as a Council will continue to do this despite the attitude of the Govt to us.

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